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Microsoft word 2016 scavenger hunt answers free
Microsoft Word Scavenger Hunt. ♦ Find and name all of the tabs in the Ribbon. ♦ Name the groups in the Home Ta b. ♦ Name the groups in the Insert Tab. ♦ Name the groups in the View Tab. ♦ Using the Home Tab, make changes to the following sentences. Make this sentence bold and underlined. Make this sentence your favorite color. What Does It Do? 1 Home Font Font Color Change the color of your text. 2 Home Front Styles Changes the text format for paragraphs 3 Home Front Bold Bolds your writing 4 Home Paragraph Center Centers the writing on your document 5 Home Clipboard Paste Pastes anything that you’ve copied 6 Home Paragraph Line Spacing Spaces out your text when you press enter . 49 Best Free Scavenger Hunt Ideas and Printables images April 16th, – What others are saying Take a look at the coolest photo scavenger hunt and popular search engines such as Google Yahoo or Bing to look up the answers to the Microsoft Word Scavenger Hunt Robynn Jackson Monday April 8th, – View Homework Help Microsoft Word.
Microsoft word 2016 scavenger hunt answers free
Is that even a word? “Why don\’t we create an online scavenger hunt? free passes to Memphis Zoo, and Starbucks gift cards. Once students identify unique structures demonstrating specific features, they must try to use basic free body diagrams, loading concepts, and statics.