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Assembly Hierarchy in the Browser | Inventor | Autodesk Knowledge Network
Inventor does not allow constraints that conflict. Create the constraints for one position of a component, and then manually suppress them before creating additional sets of constraints for alternate component positions. Once you have created all constraints necessary to position the component for each configuration, you can write the rules that choose between the constraints.
To access the assembly constraint functions, expand the Constraints node on the System tab in the Snippets area of the iLogic Edit Rule dialog. Sets or reads the suppression state of a top-level assembly constraint.
Assign each constraint referenced in a rule a unique custom name:. If you manually change the suppression state of a constraint, it does not cause rules that reference it to fire automatically. Did you mean:. This page has been translated for your convenience with an automatic translation service.
This is not an official translation and may contain errors and inaccurate translations. Autodesk does not warrant, either expressly or implied, the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information translated by the machine translation service and will not be liable for damages or losses caused by the trust placed in the translation service. Back to Inventor Category.
Back to Topic Listing Previous Next. Message 1 of 4. The first selection is previewed in the same color as the select button color bar in the graphics window. Second Selection Selects curves, planes, or points on the second component. The second selection is previewed in the same color as the select button color bar in the graphics window Third Selection Available for Explicit Reference Vector angle constraint.
Selects a face, linear edge, work plane, or work axis. The third selection is previewed in the same color as the select button color bar in the graphics window. Pick Part First Limits the selectable geometry to a single component. Use when components are close to or partially obscure one another. Clear the check box to restore selection mode. Offset or Angle Specifies distance by which constrained components are offset from one another.
Show Preview Shows effect of the constraint on the selected geometry. Predict Offset and Orientation If the Offset box is empty, inserts the offset and orientation for mate, flush, and angle constraints. The default setting is On. Clear the check box to set orientation and offset manually.
If the selected component normals indicated by direction arrows point in the same direction, a flush constraint is inferred. The offset between them is measured. If the selected component normals are opposite, a mate constraint is inferred. More Sets the constraint name and options for assembly constraint limits. Name Creates a unique name for the constraint in the browser. You can enter a name or leave blank and a default name is automatically created. For example, a constraint with a Maximum value of mm, a Minimum of 0-mm and an Offset of mm assumes the mm position after a drag.
Maximum Sets the maximum extent of constraint movement. To locate the participants in a constraint, right-click a constraint in the assembly browser and select Isolate Components. Visibility is turned off for all components except the two components constrained together. To restore visibility, right-click an isolated component and select Undo Isolate.
Parent topic: Assembly relationships overview.
Autodesk inventor 2016 assembly constraints free download
Use Show, Show Sick, Free Move, or one of the following methods to help you manage relationships. Locate all relationships in an assembly. What are representations? You can use representations to maintain a group of saved states or attributes for an assembly document.
Edit assembly constraints | Inventor | Autodesk Knowledge Network.Inventor optimalization for large assemblies | Inventor | Autodesk Knowledge Network
Sets the constraint name and options for assembly constraint limits. Check the box to activate. Clear the check box to deactivate. Type and Solutions Specifies the type of constraint and illustrates the solution used to position components before you apply the constraint. A Mate constraint positions components face to face or next to one another with faces flush. Removes one degree of linear translation and two degrees of angular rotation between planar surfaces.
Mate constraints Positions selected faces normal to one another, with faces coincident. Flush constraint Aligns components next to one another with faces flush. Positions selected faces, curves, or points so that they are aligned with surface normals pointing in the same direction.
Angle constrain Positions edges or planar faces on two components at a specified angle to define a pivot point. Removes one degree of freedom in rotation or two degrees of angular rotation between planar surfaces. Directed Angle Solution always applies the right-hand rule. Does not support user specified limits and resting position. Undirected Angle Allows either orientation, thus resolving situations where component orientation flips during a constraint drive or drag.
Explicit Reference Vector Explicitly defines direction of Z axis vector Cross Product by adding a third pick to the selection process. Reduces tendency of angle constraint to switch to an alternate solution during a constraint drive or drag.
This solution is the default. Tangent constraint A causes faces, planes, cylinders, spheres, and cones to contact at the point of tangency. Tangency can be inside or outside a curve, depending on the direction of the selected surface normal. A tangent constraint removes one degree of linear translation. Between a cylinder and a plane, it removes one degree of linear freedom and one degree of rotational freedom.
Read the suppression state:. Set or read the suppression state of a constraint in a subassembly specify the subassembly file name and name of the constraint :. To copy and rename all the files in an assembly while keeping all the rules intact, use Constraint. IsActiveInComponent and specify a subassembly name instead of the filename. Set using subassembly name:. Read using subassembly name:. Suppresses or unsuppresses an iMate definition. This is not an official translation and may contain errors and inaccurate translations.
Autodesk does not warrant, either expressly or implied, the accuracy, reliability or completeness of the information translated by the machine translation service and will not be liable for damages or losses caused by the trust placed in the translation service.
Back to Inventor Category. Back to Topic Listing Previous Next. Message 1 of 4. Assembly Constraints. Preview file. To locate the participants in a constraint, right-click a constraint in the assembly browser and select Isolate Components.
Visibility is turned off for all components except the two components constrained together. To restore visibility, right-click an isolated component and select Undo Isolate. Parent topic: Assembly relationships overview.